Last minute teacher gifts

Need a Last Minute Teacher Gift – The Confirmed #1 Winner

Are you feeling the pressure of needing a last-minute gift for your kid’s teacher? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there, scrambling to find the perfect last-minute teacher gift.

What if I told you that I have a gift that is perfect 100% of the time (according to the teachers themselves), it is also easy and can be free. 

Wait, what!?!? 

Why don’t I know about this already!?!?

Well, that’s because this gift is an old idea. It is as old as the written word, but in this crazy digital world, it is new again. 

And this old idea is the one gift teachers tell us they really want regardless of whether this is a last-minute teacher gift or you are planning in advance. The Appreciation Company has spoken to 100s of teachers, who are 100% consistent in their responses. 

First, let me ask you a question. Did you get an email or text message from another class parent about a gift for the teacher?

No? Are you sure? Nothing?

Not a message about a gift and asking you to participate? 

Still no?!? 


One last thing – this will determine if you are with the ½ of the world that gives a damn about teachers or the other half that doesn’t give a damn. 

Do you give a damn? Because if you do, you’ll keep reading. This is a test, and if you aren’t in, I want you to close this now and stop reading. Head over to an Amazon or Pinterest list. If you are in, you are now IN.

I thought you’d still be here. 

The reveal: the perfect last-minute teacher gift that is the #1 winner of all time love and gratitude from every teacher we’ve spoken to and surveyed:

a) can be free and

b) it only takes about 5 minutes. 

You will organize a group gift from the whole classroom to the teacher. 


You give a damn and are a hero to the teacher and the other parents. HERO! 

Remember, it is free and will only take about 5 minutes. Ready to go? Sign up now.

Let me show you why this is a MUST in today’s post-COVID world. 

Our Teachers are in Pain

They are struggling emotionally and financially. They don’t feel supported by their administration and their community. 

–> 90% of teachers say burnout is a serious problem. 

–> 67% say it is a VERY SERIOUS problem for them. That’s 2 out of every 3 teachers. 

–> 55% of teachers say they are considering leaving the profession or retiring early. So yeah, ½ of ALL teachers are ready to throw in the towel. 

Wow! Let that sit in for a minute. 

Let me paint a new vision

One where teachers know they are loved and appreciated. One where they have evidence through expressions of love and appreciation for their actions.

Imagine a teacher working for a few years had 100s or 1000s of notes and photos in an album – a great big album – from her students. All of these notes said something extraordinary about the impact the teacher made or something special she did or taught. 

If this is a digital album, it can be accessed anywhere and at any time. 

This is precisely what The Appreciation Company does through our service.

Let’s say this teacher is my mom, who taught high school for 35 years. She’d have over 10,000 notes and photos in that album. From 30 students per class, 5 classes per semester, 2 semesters per year over 35 years. This is a LOT, like 10,000+ a lot. 

Teachers have told me personally: When they feel appreciated by their students, they feel better about their work and more connected to the community.

Teachers tell me they always want the community to act on the gratitude the parents and students feel and tell them they ARE appreciated.

Join The Movement

Be a part of a movement to appreciate teachers and build these albums. You’ll write a special note with your child to the teacher. You can upload a photo. And if you want, not required, you can contribute a monetary gift. This money goes to a gift card that your teacher can choose. So she knows what she really wants (needs) – remember, teachers don’t get paid very much. 

All you need to do is set up an Appreciation for your teacher with our free service. That requires her email address and name (as a recipient). You’ll get a link and a template email or text message, and you can invite the other parents to participate. It is that simple, really. 

A Turnkey Solution

If you don’t have all of their email addresses, that’s okay. The other parents can help. It is all in the text/email. 

Reminders – No worries here either. We’ll even send you a reminder or two so you can remind the parents. 

Parents can participate immediately. The link is active as soon as you click ‘done.’ 

You might think, “Yeah, right, that sounds too good to be true.” But I promise you, it’s not. And I should know – I’ve been on both sides of gift-giving. With four children, I’ve been the one scrambling for last-minute teacher gifts, and I’ve also been the one on the receiving end as a soccer coach. And let me tell you, there’s nothing worse than getting a cheesy, generic gift. 

You might think, “But I don’t know anything about your service. So how do I know it will be a good gift?” And that’s a fair question. 

The Appreciation Company launched in 2022 and has been used thousands of times. Our Appreciation albums are not just a generic present – it’s a way to show that you care about your teacher and want to make a lasting impact in their life.

Last Minute Teacher Gift

Don’t let the stress of last-minute gift-giving weigh you down. Trust us to help you give a gift that truly makes a difference. Give the gift of our service today, and be the hero in someone’s eyes.

If you’re ready to give the perfect last-minute DIY teacher gift, sign up for our service now. We’ve thought of everything you need for a turnkey experience. The Appreciation Company offers ease and convenience for creating a heartfelt and personal gift that will make a lasting impact

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