We’d love to connect!
Your organization has unique staff retention, fundraising, or community engagement challenges that could be solved through gifts of appreciation. We’d love to connect and learn how we can help you solve those challenges.

The Appreciation Company’s service is a flexible framework that does two things extremely well—simultaneously. We:
- Activate your customers to unlock generous giving and appreciation towards your organization’s staff or program outcomes.
- Fundraise at the same time as appreciating your staff.
Our activation rates can exceed 50%.
This is due to our unique approach of activating on the emotions of gratitude your community feels towards your staff, mission or programs. Your community wants an outlet to act on that gratitude and we make this both meaningful and easy for them (and you) to do.
It is always free to organize gifts of appreciation with The Appreciation Company.
Let us illustrate this with a common scenario that is easily abstracted to any group is lead by an individual or small team:
A teacher has a classroom of 30 students. The parents of those students feel gratitude for the commitment, time, investment, care, and skill the teacher pours into her students. One day, say the Thursday before Teacher Appreciation Week, these parents receive a message from the PTSA asking them to appreciate this teacher by sharing a personal note of appreciation, sharing a photo and contributing a monetary amount to an appreciation balance for that teacher.
Place yourself in that situation—what are the odds you’d appreciate your child’s teacher if the principal of the school or the president of the PSTA reached out via email or text message? Haven’t you contributed to a group gift before?
Here is the magic:
At one school recently, The Appreciation Company helped with Teacher Appreciation Week. consistently, across classrooms, parents contributed around $850. AND the teachers loved the notes of gratitude expressed by the parents and teachers. The teachers felt seen and appreciated.
Now, in your community and line of work, is there a similar scenario you could activate on to show your staff appreciation from the community? In contrast, what could you be leaving on the table by not working with us?
If something pops to mind, let’s simply set up a quick call to discuss what we could unlock and how easy it is to work with us.